

this nifty tool modifies the windows-kernel, so that you are able to login into any user/admin-account without to be prompted for password. (this version is the real v1.1 with windows 7 support) kon-boot



bypass windows login

hey there,
today i present you an easy way to access windows systems and overwrite the password for any user. (sticky key attack)


mario airlines

free pr0n accz!!111

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sniffing with ettercap

hey guys,
today i will explain how to use ettercap for sniffing in your local area network. It's very easy to use, just find out your target's ip and the gateway's ip:


killall wlan!

Once i found this great python-script, which is able to deauthenticate all clients from their access point in your range. It waits for useable network packets and then sends a continuous flood of deauthentication-packets. (scapy needed)

digital insanity

<3 keygens ;D
